blundering_Blundering 翻译
3.写出下列单词反义词 big long good
Industry Background
Decorating is materializing all kinds of situationthe of life into the room 。Dormitory as the necessary place of students' life , should have a good environment, simple renovation and decoration is respected by more and more consumers.
Domestic, the real sense of decoration began in the 1980s, from 2001 to 2003 was the golden age of decoration industry.Then technical demand was not high, as long as dared do publicity and create brand, business would be quite successful. Market space was large, facing the big cake, some businesses started blundering , doing too much marketing and ignoring the quality.Hence after 2005, decoration industry appeared a large-scale shuffle the cards, some gingerbread foreign companies were forced to leave the market. Seizing the opportunity , the brand could grow up rapidly, becoming the new blood for the industry. In the fierce competition and fight, some enterprises that focused on quality and brand reputation gradually grow up and become the leader of the enterprises. Around 2000, most citizens had experience of decoration, more rational consumption , the request of quality was also higher. These brand enterprise with the leading design, excellent quality and considerate service attracted consumers, people paid more and more attention to the unique style after decorating . With the improvement of people's living standard, the simple functional space already cannot satisfy the people's spiritual pursuits, people used the words such as “household deserves”“soft decoration
Everyone should be accepted and tolerance, but also learn to refuse, learn how to say no. I take into three: refused to comfort and comfortable, refuse and impetuous refused to temptation
1 refused to comfort and comfortable. If someone ask me: why should refuse to easy and comfortable? I will answer: refused to comfort and comfortable way of life will make you more happiness in my eyes refused to comfort. Let ourselves with comfortable and will have more of self-interest. For example speaking: in today's society, there are many children are YiLaiShenShou extra-curricular, when you make his own life, he may live, this is not easy and comfortable refused.
2 refused blundering. If someone ask me: why should refuse fickleness? I will answer: refused to get blundering, peace of mind refused blundering can further from success, Refuse to make blundering lifebloom, Refuse blundering can see the future.
The total for his failure to find excuses, people say I was careless, Someone say I don't understand, Some will say I gave up. "Give up" and "effect", "don't understand", actually is blundering pronoun. Because the person blundering lok ma fell.
People living in the world, with many kinds of temptation. Jia ping-wa: "it won't refuse." Peter entered And I said, refuse blundering is the key to success
3 refused to lure if someone asks me: why again, I will answer: temptation, will produce continuously to the success of temptation. I think a Chinese saying "if not" refused to bad temptation, are you ready?
Facing temptation, you should think that it is good or bad, you will be prompted the progress of your legs or. Facing the temptation of good, we should actively pursuit of honor, for example, we should actively success, The temptation, we should firmly resist, such as smoking, drinking, network, etc. We will resist consciously.
Refuse to accept as two sides of the same coin, indispensable, they always accompany us life, only to refuse to accept, can we truly. Bring your understanding and the growth experience.
今天我所讲的美德是体贴。The virtue in question today is about care and empathy (注:“体贴”无法以单一英语词汇形容,要看情况而定)
体贴在现代汉语词典中的意义是 The definition of empathic concern in modern Chinese is
对别人的心理或情况进行了解并予以关心和照料,the care and attention rendered towards others upon understanding his feelings and circumstance
细心揣度别人的心情和处境,给予关切,照顾。delicately conjecturing and offering concern afterwards
事实上,In reality
一个体贴的人,an empathetic person
在日常生活中往往能更快地获得大家的尊重,earns the respect of others quickly
在一个团队抑或是一个集体中,within a team or organization
体贴的人也是必不可少的。 an empathetic character is indispensable
有这么一个故事: There runs such a story
一户人家在过年前准备糕点,A family was preparing pastries before New Year
忙了大半天总算大功告成,eventually completing the colossal task
媳妇把它放在厨房的地上晾干。the daughter-in-law airs the pastries on the kitchen floor.
没想到先生回来,一不留神,一脚踩到了糕点。The husband returns home oblivious to the pastries, stepped onto it.
先生缩回沾满糕点的脚后,很难为情地对四周一脸惋惜的家人说:Retracting his foot in embarrassment, he apologized profusely
“非常抱歉,我实在太不小心了!” for being exceptionally careless.
他的妹妹立即接腔说:His sister interjected offering an escape,
“是我不好!刚刚我进来时也差点踩到,当时我如果把它移开就好了。” "I could've moved it when I sidestepped it earlier on"
在旁的媳妇连忙说:The onlooking wife interrupted hastily with yet another self-blaming excuse
“哎呀,是我不对,糕饼做好,我应该拿到合适的地方晾干,就不会发生这种事了。” "I should've placed the pastries in a better place to air and all these could've gone away"
这是婆婆也说话了:Now, is was mother's turn
“原本厨房的灯事开着的,我为了省电才关起来,反而造成更大的损失。” "I though turning the lights off could save us some energy, look at what happened!"
没想到这是公公也开口拦下了这个错误:Finally, Father stepped in
“不不不!我进厨房很多次了,早改想到有人进来会踩到糕饼,我事先做一些防范就好了!” "I should've foreseen this getting in and out of the kitchen and did something"
一个人踩到糕点,One family member commits a mistake
全家都争先承认自己的疏忽,the entire family stands ready to admit it upon themselves individually
那种互相体谅,彼此关怀的情谊,好 令人感动啊!It is truly touching upon appreciating the sympathy, care and understanding demonstrated between them.
至于糕点能不能吃,似乎已经不是很重要了。As to the pastries, it is no longer material.
如果先生一踩到糕点就破口大骂:Had the husband vociferated after ruining the pastries
你想事情会如何收场?what would you think the ending be?
我们大多数人在异乡为生机奔波操劳, Most of us are engrossed in the ruse of daily living
常常很浮躁很苦闷。enduring pent up frustrations.
其实我们改变不了生活境遇,We can't change the environment
却完全可以改变自己的心态,不是吗?but, instead, are in full control of our attitude. Isn't it?
因为那样不是向生活妥协,It is not about compromising towards life
只是为了让自己过得轻松一点,快乐一点。but to lavish ourselves a composed and relaxed, happier life.
这就是体贴的真正意义。 Such, is the true essence of empathy and care.
写出下列单词反义词 big long good
After went into a university, he felt that he should change himself, communicate more with others, learn to treat friendly and care others , so he actively joined the students union and participated in all kinds of campaign in class.
His academic record was good, and need not spend too much time on study. He also made some small achievement, testimonials, title, and also got on well with his classmates, therefore, he felt very happy.
But he was confused with some things. When some major event comes, his score was always bad, for example, mathematical modeling and programming contest.
The usual test, need only assault, but in large game to get good grades, it need daily endeavor. In the university, he became blundering, and did not understand only persistence can achieve great success. So, he took the entrance examination for the post graduate twice.
⊙Go to bed too late .
⊙No sport.
⊙When you really enjoy what you are doing, you can do it better than you expect. What make me so blundering is that i am eager to prove myself .Therefor, my heart is not quiet ,and i can't do as good as my expect .
发现事实正如罗胖所说,从古至今,现在的人活得最幸福,享有着相比以前更多更好的资源。但是我发现我们很多人还没有意识到有很多资源可以利用,然后也不知道该如何利用,所以依然很落后。罗胖还说现在很多人都有钱,都在提高生活质量,但是拥有了却并不懂得如何享用它们,其实,质量并没有提高。就比如很多买苹果产品的消费者,她们有消费的能力,但并不懂得发挥苹果产品的作用。很大一部分人以为拥有了,生活质量就提高了。 挺浪费的!
“我喜欢活着,呼吸,甚于喜欢工作。我不觉得我做的东西可以在将来对社会有什么重要意义。因此,如果你愿意这么看,我的艺术就可以是活着,每一秒,每一次呼吸就是一个作品,那是不留痕迹的,不可见不可思的,那是一种其乐融融的感觉。” ——杜尚
这周学理财,写10条让自己变富有的原因时,我努力想了想: 我想做什么需要钱?努力写了几条。我发现旅游的追求并不是最能满足我的事情,而且我最想做的事情需要的钱不多,所以那些我最想做的事情不列入其中。当下的我好像没有那么多追求,我只想做好当下我想做的事情,我就很满足了。比如做好一份工作,比如创作一幅作品,比如用空闲的时间静静地看一本书……所以我不是不喜欢工作,我喜欢有事做,没事做的时候最难过,虚得很。
最近我的想法有了很多改变,很多人都不理解了。感觉有些想法还是应该憋在肚子里,不要表露的好。暴露自己与他人不同的想法,有一种危机感,感觉下一秒就要被对方攻击了。突然想起了某人曾经告诉我: 很多时候你可以不告诉他人你的真实想法,这样才能保全自己。我想是这样的,可以避免很多麻烦。
1 Compared with electric books, paper books are of more cultural sense.
2 Words are used to convey the ideas while paper and ink are what the ancient words were displayed.
3 The roughness of the paper makes me respond to the words with inspiration and agreement.
4 In the society where people get more and more blundering, we need to be more devoted to reading a real book.