





5.用退避三舍这个成语故事翻译成英语 急求啊




       In an abandoned well, there lived a frog. One day, the frog in the well and met a big turtle from the east sea.

       The frog proudly to the sea turtle boast said: "you see, I live here how comfortable! I'm happy, just jumping in the well and play, is tired to the cave wall of the rest. Sometimes the body and comfortable bubble in the water, sometimes happily in the mud for a walk. You see those small bug, beside the crabs and tadpoles, they who can compete with me! I am alone occupy the mouth abandoned well how free! Sir, why don't often go to the well to watch play?"

       The sea turtle listened to the frog's a talk, they want to get into the well see. But, it left foot is still not fully extend go in, right foot was well caught by the column. It had to step back, put it to see the scene told the frog: "have you seen the sea? The sea, more of the broad masses of the Trinidad; the depth of the sea, far more than thousand cubits. In ancient times, ten years in nine years, the water of the sea is not so flood increase; eight years will have seven years, and the sea but not make drought thus reducing the sea from drought. Influence, live in the vast expanse of the sea is the real happiness


       Sweat is HuoGuang, emperor han commander-in-chief of TuoGu ministers, drinking eight years of emperor han style-came kisen, ruling pomp very heavy. HuoGuang nearby have a call YangChang people, act is timid, popular with HuoGuang recognition, rose to prime minister position, seal for anping syndrome. Actually, YangChang humanness cowardly incompetence, timid, not when the prime minister of the material. 74 B.C., was only twenty one-year-old han emperor died.both in WeiYangGong kisen, with all the princes HuoGuang counsel, chose the emperor's grandson made WangLiuHe nearbu heir. Behold LiuHe ascended the mid-north song and dance, often pleasure-resorts. HuoGuang heard later, anxieties, and bike ride general ZhangAn births, TianYanNian secret counsel, on to nullify LiuHe, set up other Yin jun. After TianYanNian HuoGuangPa goading agreed to jointly YangChang, tell gun. YangChang all of a sudden, she was scared to sweat, panic, just something indistinctly fence. YangChang wife, is TaiShiGong sima qian's daughter, quite have the guts. She saw her husband shilly-shally appearance, secretly worried, while TianYanNian change clothes walk away, infero-anterior advised her husband and said, "National affairs, will shilly-shally. General has ChengYi, you should also chosin reservoir, otherwise inevitable difficult ahead." YangChang step back and forth in the house, but had no acid attention. Just at this time TianYanNian back, SiMaFu people avoid inferior, straight-tempered without embarrassment and TianYanNian meet, told TianYanNian, her husband willing to listen to the general's command. TianYanNian after listening pleased to take leave walk. TianYanNian returns HuoGuang, HuoGuang very satisfied. YangChang brought all the princes immediately arrange table, playing please dowager. The next day, YangChang advice, ernie see luang nearbu king unbearable successin statement of reason. Queen letter removed immediately LiuHe, another sign of emperor of the once SunLiu enquiry for jun, was said han XuanDi.

       Idioms citations, han shu YangChang biography of our afraid, not words. Jia sweated back ACTS yes just.

       Idioms interpretations ", "Jia drenched, sweating much soaked backbone. Describe sweat. Also describe extreme fear or ashamed excessive.

        汗流浃背 汉大将军霍光,是汉武帝的托孤重臣,辅佐八岁即位的汉昭帝执政,威势很重。霍光身边有个叫杨敞的人,行事谨小慎微,颇受霍光赏识,升至丞相职位,封为安平候。其实,杨敞为人懦弱无能,胆小怕事,根本不是当丞相的材料。公元前74年,年仅廿一岁的汉昭帝驾崩于未央宫,霍光与众臣商议,选了汉武帝的孙子昌邑王刘贺作继承人。谁知刘贺继位后,经常宴饮歌舞,寻欢作乐。霍光听说后,忧心忡忡,与车骑将军张安世、大司马田延年秘密商议,打算废掉刘贺,另立贤君。计议商定后,霍光派田延年告诉杨敞、以便共同行事。杨敞一听,顿时吓得汗流浃背,惊恐万分,只是含含糊糊,不置可否。杨敞的妻子,是太史公司马迁的女儿,颇有胆识。她见丈夫犹豫不决的样子,暗暗着急,趁田延年更衣走开时,上前劝丈夫说;“国家大事,岂能犹豫不决。大将军已有成议,你也应当速战速决,否则必然太难临头。”杨敞在房里来回酸步,却拿不定注意。正巧此时田延年回来,司马夫人回避不及,索性大大方方地与田延年相见,告知田延年,她丈夫愿意听从大将军的吩咐。田延年听了后高兴地告辞走了。田延年回报霍光,霍光十分满意,马上安排杨敞领众臣上表,奏请皇太后。第二天,杨敞与群臣遏见皇太后,陈述昌邑王不堪继承王位的原因。太后立即下诏废去刘贺,另立汉武帝的曾孙刘询为君,史称汉宣帝。






       High mountain running water

       In the spring and autumn period, there is a call BoYa yu, in melody, jean art it is high, at the time of the famous violinist. Yu BoYa young studious, who worship high human division, QinJi reach level, but he always thought that I still can't superb performances of all kinds of things to feel. BoYa teacher know the idea after him, he brought him by boat to the east China sea island of penglai, let he appreciate the natural scenery, listen to the sea waves of sound. Looking BoYa lifted up his eyes and saw waves heave, shock waves splashing; Seabirds flying, chirp object; Mountain forest trees, lush, such as into the wonderland general. A wonderful feeling arises spontaneously, you seem to cough up on the nature of the harmonious beautiful music. He couldn't help but take piano playing, sound turn at will, and the beauty of nature melting into the piano, BoYa experience to an unprecedented level. The teacher told him: "you have learned."

       BoYa night boat tour. Face the breeze and bright moon, his thinking, and he bounces lyre, melodious naturally, began in earnest. Suddenly listen to the shore someone astounding. BoYa heard out of the ship, see a woodcutter stood on the shore, he know this person is a bosom friend right away please the woodcutter aboard, cheerfully to play for him. BoYa pop-up praise to the tune of mountains, the woodcutter said: "that's nice! Grand and solemn, like towering mount tai!" When he play performance pentium surging wave, the woodcutter say again: "that's nice! Broad, as see the dances are rolling, limitless the sea water general!" BoYa excited color, concussion say: "friend! You are my soul mate." The woodcutter's ZhongZi period. From now on two people became good friends.

       Stories from the liezi · ShangWen ". The idiom "high mountain running water", the analogy bosom friend or friend, it can also be used beautiful music.






       My hometown is a picturesque, enjoys place.

       In the village before, is a clear creek, in the sun, like a handful of who and the like gold, sparkled in the sunlight. A not well-known fish in the river cheerily swim to swim, some small fish parade speed fast, than the students of the race at a faster rate! In the village, is a CangCuiYuDi mountain. The mountain, dropping the towering trees, like willo w father-in-law patron saint, protect the safety of the villagers near and far. Dress up like a jasper had planted grass, just like me want to hurry up taller, don't fiddle to try very hard to grow up, let the mountains have a green clothes. In the village, YiGuGu is rich, the price of goods stores and a is wide and long road. As long as a have time, I will run to the store to buy something to eat. After every time I eat, I was always alacrity.

       This is my hometown, a beauty no one can draw got place.

       My hometown rivers, is a good place.

       The mountain of the home is very high, high like chatting in and baiyun shake handshandle. In numerous between high mountains, there is a call jinshan, jinshan feet have a village, called gold mountain village. Gold is rich in fritillaria mountain village, the village every family were planted. Every October, in the village of young, the earth will be carried. Although my father work in the city, but one of the season of fritillary, he will return home to help grandma kind of fritillaria. The second year the April, fritillaria mature, a white fat in the field were lay silent, waiting for the industrious people to gain. If this time you visit to golden hill, will smell something not so good smell of flavor, that is the farmer uncle is carried with sulfur smoked!

       Gold mountain village also processing powder dry. Just machined out of powder dried fruit, can be good. Light is that fragrance will attract people cannot help to taste it. Here produce of powder dry and fine and white and is very popular, it also exported to the county and other counties!

       Let the people of hometown of fritillaria rich, many villagers are made the bridal chamber, buy a car, in the village and also more and more wide, the original rugged JiGengLu into now is wide and flat by cement. In addition, the hometown of the environmental health is also more and more good day, go home, by the roadside can clean.

       I think the hometown of the future will be more beautiful!












       A broken mirror joined together

       During the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), there lived a beautiful, intelligent princess name Lechang in the State Chen. She and her husband Xu Deyan loved each other dearly. But before long their country was in danger of being invaded by the troops of the Sui Dynasty. Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan had a premonition that their county would be occupied by the invaders and they would have to leave the palace and go into exile. During the chaos they might lose touch with each other. They broke a bronze mirror, a symbol of the unity of husband and wife into two parts and each of them kept a half. They aGREed that each would take their half of the mirror to the fair during the Lantern Festival, which is on the 15th day of the first Lunar month, in the hope that would meet again. When they were united the two halves would join together. Soon their premonition came true. During the chaos of war, the princess lost touch with her husband was taken to a powerful minister Yang Su's house and was made his mistress.

       At the Lantern Festival the next year, Xu Deyan took his half of the mirror to the fair. He hoped that he could meet his wife. It so happened that a servant was selling the other half of the bronze mirror. Xu Deyan recognized it immediately. He asked the servant about his wife. As he heard about her bitter experience, tears rolled down his cheeks. Xu Deyan wrote a poem on the half of the mirror kept by his wife: "You left me with your broken mirror Now the mirror is back but not you I can no longer see your reflection in the mirror Only the bright moon but not you" .

       the servant brought back the inscribed half of the mirror to princess Lechang. For days, she could not help sog because she knew her husband was still alive and that he missed her but they could not meet forever.

       the minister, Yang Su, found this out. He was also moved by their true love and realized it was impossible to get Lechang's love. So he sent for Xu Deyan and allowed the husband and wife to reunite.

       From that story comes the idiom "A broken mirror joined together".

       It is used to suggest the happy reunion of a separated couple.

       成语: 破镜重圆

       拼音: pò jìng chóng yuán

       解释: 比喻夫妻失散或离婚后重新团聚。



用退避三舍这个成语故事翻译成英语 急求啊

       An antidote against the disease

       Hua Tuo is a famous ancient Chinese medicine. He is proficient in the inside and outside, women, children, acupuncture subjects, skillful,diagnostic accuracy.

       Hua Tuo gave the patient treatment, according to different circumstances,out of different prescriptions.

       Once, two people together to medical experts Hua Tuo doctor there, it happened that the condition of the two are very similar, feel headache fever. Hua Tuo carefully examined for two patients, then the man says: "you should be using laxatives, and your friends want to eat sweatingmedicine."

       The two men feel very puzzled, and asked: "we are two people condition is the same, why eat medicine is not the same?"

       Hua Tuo explained: "your body outside and there is nothing wrong, diseaseis due to the body internal food indigestion; his body is very healthy,disease is caused due to the cold. So, although you two condition is the same, but the drug should be according to the different causes and different."

       Hua Tuo immediately gave two people were a prescription, two of thembought Hua Tuo open medicine, just to eat for two days, disease was all good.

       Truth: according to what the problem, take effective measures.

       Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace

        During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), Duke Xian of the State of Jin Killed the crown prince Sheng because he had heard slanders about Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chong Er, Shen Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chonh Er, Shen Sheng's brother. Hearing the news, Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin, remaining a fugitive for more than ten years.

        After innumerable hardships, Chong Er arrived at the State of Chu at last. King Cheng of the State of Chu treated him with high respect as he would have treated the ruler of a state, believing that he would have a vright fuure.

        One day, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. Suddenly, amid the harmonious atmosphere of drinking and talking, King Cheng of the State of Chu asked Chong Er. "How will you repay me when you return to the State of Jin and become its ruler one day?" After thinking for a moment, Chong Er said, "You have plenty of beauties and attendants as well as jewelry and silk cloth, and the state of Chu abounds in rare brides and animals. What treasure can the State of Jin boast having to present to your majesty?" King Cheng of the State of Chu said, "You are too modest. Nevertheless, you still have to show your gratitude to me in one way or another, I presume?" Smiling, Chong Er answered, "If I should be fortunate enouge to return to the State of Jin and become its ruler, the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu. If, one day, there should be a war between the two states, I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a Chinese unit of length equivalent to 1/2 kilometre. And, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were still not reconciled, I would have to fight with you."

        Four years later, as might be expected, Chong Er returned to the State of Jin and became its ruler. He was none other than Duke Wen of the State of Jin famous in ancient Chinese history. Ruled by him, the State of Jin became increasingly powerful.

        In the year 533 B.C., the Chu troops and the Jin troops confronted each other in a battle. Faithful to his promise, Duke Wen of the State of Jin ordered his troops to retreat about thirty miles. After retreating, the Jin troops were stationed at Chengpu. Seeing that the Jin troops were r
