5.David现在很烦恼,来中国一年了,可汉语却进步不大,请给他3到5条学习汉语的建议 英语作文 着急
你的美国网友JACK正在学习中文,遇到一些困难,因此来信想你请教如何学好中文 英语作文 给他建议2011-04-06 01:36提问者: 匿名 |浏览次数:4905次问题补充:不用太多字我来帮他解答满意回答2011-04-06 10:22Hi, Jack, I heard that you met some problems in learning Chinese, I would like to share some of my experiences with you, hope it could help anyway.
I remember I was started with learning 'pinyin' in the first stage of pronounciation. There is a pingyin chart, so much like alphabet chart in English, which also should be memorized, because it could help you alot in learning new words by yourself in the future.
In writing, you must start with basic strokes and then write regular chinese characters. Pay attention on the proportion of the characters in horizontal and vertical directions, you could master the soul of chinese hand-writing by practicing it many many times.
The most important part of Chinese learning is grammar. A sentence is a word or a group of words that makes a complete sense. We composed hundreds of sentences by using certain words or phrases, which are from daily activities, so you may have so many chances to use it after class.
All in all, to do more practices and be start with basic steps scrupulously are my ideas based on my past experiences. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me!
your friendxxx5|评论
求助知友zhidaodot |四级采纳率30%
按默认排序|按时间排序 其他回答 共2条2011-04-06 09:02微笑··搁浅|三级多与中国朋友交流,多说多练,学一些中文歌,看中英文对照的**,祝您取得进步!0|评论(1)2011-04-22 09:41刘心猪| 来自手机知道|一级I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well . Here are a few suggestions . first , it is important to take a Chinese course , as you will be able to learn from the teacher and practile with your fellow students . then it also helps to watch TVand read books , newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible .
A Willing Victim Letting Himself Be Caught
The story happened around 3000 years ago. There was a wise man named Jiang Ziya living in a village near the Weishui River. He often went fishing at the Weishui River, but he would fish in an unusual way. He hung a straight fishhook, without bait, there feet above the water One day a farmer named Wu Ji went to the river, and saw the strange way of fishing by Ji He laughed and said, “How stupid it is to even think about fishing this way, how many fishes can you get?” Jiang Ziya replied,” lf a fish doesn’t want to live any more, it will come and swallow \the hook itself.” Soon his strange way of fishing was reported to Ji Chang, the Count of the feudal estate .Ji Chang was very interested, and went to visit Jiang personally. Soon they became great friends as Ji Chang realized that Jiang might be a great talent. He invited Jiang to work for him .Jiang helped Ji Chang and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty. Jiang was given the title of Taigong, so people called him ’’Jiang Taigong.” Today, people use this old idiom “A willing victim Letting Himself Be Caught” to describe someone who willingly falls in a trap or does something regardless of the result.
Mao Sui Recommended Himself
In the Warring States Period ,the king of Zhao planned to ask the King of the State of Chu to resist Qin’s attacks together .He sent Pingyuan to Chu convince their king Before Pingyuan left ,a man called Mao Sui showed up ,volunteered to go with him .Pingyuan said ,”I haven’t heard that you have any special abilities ,so what help can you do over there ?” Mao Sui said ,”You put me in a bag ,and my special abilities will stick out like an awl .” So Pingyuan agreed to take Mao Sui to the State of Chu .The negotiations between the two states lasted from morning to noon ,and still couldn’t come to a conclusion. At this time Mao Sui came up and said ,”Chu is a state big enough to rule the world .However ,you are so afraid of Qin. It is such a shame that we Zhao people are embarrassed by you .Now we ask you to combine our troops , but you are acting like a coward !” The king of Chu felt ashamed after Mao Sui’s passionate words .He finally agreed to send troops tp fight Qin . This idiom describes the courage of self –recommending by people with great abilities .
Playing the Lute to a Cow
Once upon a time ,there was a man who played the lute very wellOne day ,he played a tune in front of a cow ,hoping that the cow would appreciate it .The tune was melodious ,but the cow showed no reaction ,and just kept on eating grass. The man sighed ,and went away . This idiom is used to mock the idea of reasoning with stupid people or talking to the wrong audience .
1. 把中国的四字成语故事翻译成英语
Making His Mark (Ke Zhou Qiu Jian)
A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat.
"This is where my sword fell off," he said.
When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.
The boat had moved but the sword had not. Is this not a very foolish way to look for a sword?
A man of the state of Chu had a spear and a shield for sale. He was loud in his praise of his shield. "My shield is so strong that nothing can pierce it through." He also sang praises of his spear. "My spear is so strong that it can pierce through anything." "What would happen," he was asked, "if your spear is used to pierce your shield?" It is impossible for an imperable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing imperable. n0 d9 p Z+ x/ M
很久以前,楚国有个卖兵器的人,在市场上卖矛和盾。为了让人家愿意买他的货,他先举起盾向人们夸口道:“我的盾是世上最坚固的盾,任何锋利的东西都不能刺穿它。”接着又举起他的矛,向人吹嘘说:“你们再看看我的矛,它锋利无比,无坚不摧”人群中有人问道:“依你的说法,那就拿你的矛来刺你的盾吧,看看结果怎么样?” 卖兵器的人听了张口结舌,无从回答,只好拿着矛和盾走了。
2. 七下册四至六单元的四字成语带翻译语文ppt叹观止
发 音 tàn wéi guān zhǐ
释 义 叹:赞赏;观止:看够指赞美所见事物极点
语名称戛止 语拼音jiá rán ér zhǐ 语解释声音突终止 (戛:拟声词
本色行 读音 běn sè dāng háng 解释 做本行事绩十显著本色:物品原颜色; :助词应;行:háng连续贯穿 形容应保持原本色现用指做本行事绩十显著容嘹亮鸟鸣声;形容声音突止)
进退维谷 (jìn tuì wéi gǔ)
词语:毛骨悚 拼音:máo gǔ sǒng rán 英文:Horror 俄文:Ужас
悚:恐惧身毛发竖起脊梁骨发冷形容十恐惧 毛:发汗毛;骨:指脊背;悚:害怕毛发竖起;脊骨透寒形容非恐惧惊骇
语伦 ( yǔ wú lún cì ) to talk nonsensibally 伦:条理 讲乱没条理
lüè shèng yī chóu 略 胜 筹
比较起略微些筹:筹码古代用计数工具用竹制 褒义
稍微点点 谦辞
尽态极妍 发音 jìn tài jí yán 释义1.容貌姿态美丽娇艳极点 2.使仪态丽质充显示
解 释: 指两或两件事物互相配合使双能力、作用处能充展示益更加;彰显著 用 偏式;作谓语;含褒义、
3. 帮帮忙,把下面6个句子翻译成英语1, I fot to let you to munity service center.
2, in checking machine before switch off the power supply is very important.
3 and I don't know where I can find this button.
4, fortunately, we had no more work to do.
5, Helen nice to be seen China more than 20 provinces, municipalities.
6, her career, now the biggest wish is married and have children.
4. 文学作品中描写人物的四字词,最好带英文翻译描写人物坚强的成语
坚持不懈 锲而不舍 滴水穿石 持之以恒 绳锯木断 坚韧不拔
一表人才、风度翩翩,大腹便便,膀大腰园、披头散发、虎背熊腰、衣冠楚楚、相貌堂堂 、眉清目秀 、容光焕发 、美如冠玉 、冰清玉洁明眸皓齿 沉鱼落雁 道貌岸然 秀色可餐 国色天香 粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿 衣冠楚楚 亭亭玉立 雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮短小精悍 面黄肌瘦 面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 囚首垢面 蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴 药店飞龙大腹便便、健步如飞描写外貌的成语:闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善张牙舞爪 愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬 威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉 容光焕发
健步如飞 扭头就跑 定睛一看 侧耳细听 冥思苦想 步履矫健 拔腿就跑
目不转睛 听得入迷 挖空心思 大步流星 连蹦带跳 凝神注视 道听途说
飞檐走壁 东奔西窜 怒目而视 大摇大摆 横冲直撞 左顾右盼 步履艰难
飞似得跑 东张西望 一瘸一拐 奔走如飞 挤眉弄眼 匍匐前进 上窜下跳
瞻前顾后 蹑手蹑脚 举目远望 步履轻盈 极目了望 走马看花 虎视眈眈
耳不旁听 扼腕兴嗟 意气自如 似醉如痴 如醉如狂 如痴如狂 丰度翩翩 怆天呼地 悠闲自在 自在:无拘无束。形容神态从容,无拘无束。
悠然自得 雍容雅步
水天一色、郁郁葱葱、青山绿水 、山青水秀、湖光山色、江山如画 、春暖花开、春雨绵绵、桃红李白、百花争艳、春光明媚、桃红柳绿、蜂飞蝶舞、春意盎然、万紫千红、万物复苏、含苞欲放、花枝招展、五彩斑斓、桃红柳绿
假如你是李华,你收到留学生Frank 来信。他希望参加你校即将举行的成语大赛,请你给他写封回信,介绍本次大赛的相关事宜。
注意:1、词数100 左右。
Dear Frank,
How happy we are to know that you’re going to participate in our Chinese Idiom Contest. Here is what you are supposed to know about.
We're going to hold the contest in the school library at 8:00 a.m. on December 20, 2016. Characters wrongly usedare to be recognized in some Chinese idioms. Besides, you are required to say out the idioms by guessing gestures of your partner. Hopefully,what I have to remind you of is that you’d better get one story of idiom prepared in case you are probably invited to tell one. By the way, all our Chinese teachers will be invited as judges.
Expecting your excellence in the approaching contest. Best wishes!
Li Pin
David现在很烦恼,来中国一年了,可汉语却进步不大,请给他3到5条学习汉语的建议 英语作文 着急
The frequently Chinese idioms in Englishcomposition。
爱屋及乌:Love me,love my dog
David is so upset that he gets little progress in Chinese,though he has been in China for oa whole year.He wants his Chinese to be improved.However, it is well-known that learning a foreign language well is not easy.So,there are some advice for David to follow if he wants to learn English well.
Firstly,David should listen to his Chinese teacher carefully and take notes in classes.After school,he should finish his Chinese work seriously.Secondly,David need to read as more books in Chineae as he can in his leisure time.Thirdly,he can make friends with Chinese.Then,he cen talk with his friends in Chinese to improve his spoken Chinese.
In a word,nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.As long as David wants to learn Chinese well and actually make great efforts in it,he can finally get a good result.